Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Merry Merry Ho Ho Ho

Christmas EVE/ Jono's Birthday!

So much wine, vodka and mulled wine.

Cake and Christmas beats.. so devine.

After a drunken headache, a few nurofens and some sleep..

No snow but perfect sunshine! Maybe a white christmas next year...

Merry Christmas everyone, to my loved ones, family and friends all over the world!

Hope your day was as great as mine, Kris Kringle, Crazy presents, bad xmas jumpers, amazing feast, christmas jingles, mulled wine, my wonderful mum and plenty of laughs, tears and smiles!

Loved my first LONDON Christmas!
And a huge thanks to the gorgeous boys that cooked the entire dinner without any of the help from us girls, it was truly amazing!

Merry Christmas Peach Hearts