Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I guess thats why they call it Sin City..

Our mystic journey begins through the sheepish hills of New Zealand to the token beaches of L.A, California to the bling-bling slots of Vegas to the holy guacamole land they call Mexico. 

No girl should ever have to live out of a backpack. Ever. Although on the up side you can totally rep an outfit from one town to the next because no one will know you have already worn it 3 days in a row. Ching.

There is no problem of style in Puerto Escondido where our current port is, the amigos and amiga's totally know how to pull off the effortless bohemian look. A certain boy has taken on the style with pride even if he does have a cactus tattoo on his ankle in the land of cactus's. Must be the Mezcal...
Ching ching to that.