So I arrive home from work on a friday, keen as beeeeaaannns to get my drink on and just get home cause my week was tooo huge at work, like, beyond a joke busy.. I enter my room and I look at my messy bed and think 'No worries Todd! Good cleaning!' I thought he had just hid all our washing under the sheets so it looked neat and tidy, which wouldnt surpise me.. haha.. Love you boy! BUT as I go to fix it.. out pop my two favourite peaches in the whole world!!!!! My girls Star and Olive!! They finally made it to London and they were the two big lumps in my bed!! I was shaking and jumping and laughing like it was my birthday! Sooo happy to see my pretties. Sahhh Sahhhhh!!!!
And from a whole weekend of partying and reuniting our lives after 6 months..
Not many pictorials! Too busy enjoying ourselves!!
Prop times. Totes.
Saturday afternoon in Regents park.
Sushi. Chicken. Dips. Beetroot. Crackers. Cheese. Pizza. Cider. Catch Ball Game. Badminton. Bites.
Fun Times.